OSLO User Interface
OSLO is a windows application with a spreadsheet-based graphical user interface. Time-saving and convenience features in the OSLO interface include: Right-click provides a list of currently available actions. Dialog boxes can be generated automatically for CCL commands User-defined toolbars, with...
LabVIEW Trial: Incompatibility Issues with National Instruments LabVIEW Software and Sentinel Keytag Driver for OSLO and TracePro
Question When installing TracePro or OSLO, I get an error message that the Sentinel Drivers failed to install. How do I resolve this?
Introductory Exercise for all TracePro Editions
Raytrace and Analysis (updated September, 2019) EllipticalReflector.omlb (updated 2022)
29. LED Lighting Design
Lens drawings and incorrect ray paths.
Question Why don't my lens drawings show the correct ray paths? Synopsis Lens drawings and incorrect ray paths. Solution There are three principal reasons why you might have such a problem: You have entered your data incorrectly. The lens drawings prepared by OSLO are primarily intended to give...
35. OSLO Tip: Multiconfiguration lens graphics
Sources and Source Catalogs
Manufacturers' Data Manufacturers of Light Sources may make any or all of the following Design Resources available from their websites: Ray Files in TracePro format Ray Files (Source Files) in luca-rayset format IES/LDT Files Data Sheet/Specification CAD Model TM 25 Files (coming) Modeling...
Designing LED Optical Components using TracePro
Overcome LED Component Modeling Challenges to AchieveOptimal Results TracePro is award-winning opto-mechanical software used for design, analysis, and optimization of optical and illumination systems. With its intuitive CAD interface and powerful features like interactive optimizers,TracePro...