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License Options


When purchasing TracePro, RayViz, or OSLO, there are several License Options available. There are two decisions to make, and a third decision if multiple products are purchased:
  • Single-computer license vs. Floating network license
  • USB license vs. Soft license
  • Multiple Product license vs Single Product licenses (applicable if two or more products are purchased)
  • Protecting your purchase

Single-computer license vs. Floating network license

Single-computer license
  • Allows one user to run multiple instances of TracePro/RayViz/OSLO on one computer
  • The license services and utilities are included in the installation of the TracePro/RayViz/OSLO.
Floating network license
  • Allows several users on a single Local Area Network (LAN), to share licenses of TracePro/RayViz/OSLO.
  • One computer on the network acts as the License Server
  • TracePro/RayViz/OSLO can be, but do not need to be, installed on the License Server the license services and utilities must be installed on the License Server if the application is not installed TracePro/RayViz/OSLO must be installed on each user's computer
  • Network License Server - Operating System Options

Remote Desktop – single-computer and floating network licenses run with Windows Remote Desktop

USB license vs. Soft license

USB License
  • License information is contained within the USB dongle
  • Physical USB dongle must be connected to the computer
  • Portable can be transferred to another computer
Soft license
  • License is linked to unique hardware and software identifiers of the computer
  • No physical dongle to connect
  • Not portable license will only work on the specific hardware/software configuration for which it was generated
Special considerations for Soft licenses:
  • Moving the License the process for moving a software key license to a new computer is to first remove the existing license, then to obtain a new license
  • System Restore: If a System Restore is performed, this will deactivate the license
  • Virtual License servers if a virtual license server is moved to a different physical server, this will deactivate the license
  • Network License Virtual Server moved to different Physical Server (including cloud servers)

Multiple product license vs. Single product licenses

Multiple product license
  • Advantage is that there is only one license to maintain
Single product licenses
  • Advantage is that single-computer licenses can be run on different computers