Posts about: TracePro (2)
Freeform Optics for Illumination White Paper
Tolerancing in Illumination Optics White Paper
License failure - System Time between Computer and CmContainer differs by too much
Question How can I resolve the License Failure resulting from the System Time message?
1. Introductory
Raytrace and Analysis
Extinction Coefficient Fluorescence: Applying Properties of Quantum Efficiency, Peak Molar Extinction, and Molar Concentration
Question When applying a Fluorescence Property in TracePro, the Apply Properties dialog requires input values for the following parameters: Quantum Efficiency Peak Molar Extinction Molar Concentration Where can I get more information about what these values represent SynopsisApply Properties -...
Making an LED Surface Source Property in 640x480 resolution
Moxtek Surface Property DLLs
Managing TracePro memory consumption
Question I am new to TracePro, and I like the program, but occasionally during a long raytrace, the program crashes. Any suggestions? Synopsis Managing TracePro memory consumption Solution One possible cause of program crashes is memory limitations. Here is a Knowledge Base article that will...