Posts about: OSLO (6)
Focal length formula mistake (Landscape Lens Exercise) in Optics Reference
Question There appears to be an error in the focal length formula for the Landscape Lens Exercise in the OSLO 6.1 Optics Reference. Is this the case? Synopsis Focal length formula mistake (Landscape Lens Exercise) in Optics Reference Symptoms The first sentence at the top of page 33 (42) in the...
Insert Catalog Lens dialog does not appear
Question I have just installed OSLO and I cannot seem to make the Insert Catalog Lens dialog appear. When I right click on a surface number in the Surface Data Spreadsheet and choose Insert Catalog Lens from the resulting pop-up menu, nothing happens. Is this a known problem? How do I fix this? ...
17. OSLO Best Practice CCL Spreadsheets
03. Tracing Single Rays in OSLO
Controlling the maximium range value when programming a slider
Question I would like to control the range of my slider wheel in my CCL program code. I also want to set the number of slider increments, so I am trying to use the "realfix" option in the graphwin_sliderassign(gsa) command. But I found that OSLO chooses a different value for the maximum range...
Paraxial Constants: Understanding Decenters in Tilted Systems
Question I have a lens system that contains tilts and decenters. However, when I print out the paraxial setup (PXC) for the lens, or trace paraxial rays (PXT) I get answers that seem incorrect. For example, the Effective Focal Length (EFL) listed when I choose PXC appears incorrect. What is the...