1. Introductory
Raytrace and Analysis
Raytrace and Analysis
Question "I am attempting to acquaint myself with the Gaussian Beam propagation options in OSLO (ABCD Analysis, Astigmatic Gaussian Beam and Fiber Coupling). I have read and followed the "Gaussian Beam and Fiber Coupling" tutorial offered on your website. The problem is that when I change the...
RayViz 24.3.0 Released - 27 Dec 2024 STEP 1 - Download and install RayViz RayViz Installer STEP 2 - Download and install on Network License Servers Lambda Network License Server Installer, STEP 3 - Request RayViz License launch the software and select the option to request a -Trial...
Question When applying a Fluorescence Property in TracePro, the Apply Properties dialog requires input values for the following parameters: Quantum Efficiency Peak Molar Extinction Molar Concentration Where can I get more information about what these values represent SynopsisApply Properties -...
Question I am currently trying OSLO for Linux, but I am experiencing some user interface problems (window control, graphics not being updated, crashing, ...etc.). Are you targeting a specific Linux distribution that will work better than others? Synopsis Problems with OSLO Linux Solution ...
Lasrdblt is the final design of the air-spaced doublet. The example here uses this design to illustrate the thermal analysis capabilities of OSLO. The lasrdblt.len file is the finished design from the air-spaced doublet study presented elsewhere. You can see from the ray analysis below that the...
Question I am currently reading the OSLO Optics Reference 6.1 manual. On page 11 of the hardcopy version (page 20 of the electronic version), I am asked to open the "Landscape 1.len" file. I don_t seem to have this file. Where do I find it? Synopsis Locating the Landscape Lens file Solution ...
Question Can OSLO handle non-isotropic media, such as Quartz? Synopsis Non-isotropic media and OSLO Solution OSLO has the capability of tracing rays through uniaxial birefringent materials such as calcite (PremiumEdition only). In the physical world, a ray incident upon a birefringent material will...
Recommended configuration Install Lambda Network Key Server on the Network License Server. Lambda Network Key Server has two components: CodeMeter license software License Troubleshooter While CodeMeter has a longer list of supported operating systems, the License Troubleshooter is designed to...
Riflscop shows the use of the pickup-length-minus (pkp lnm) command to hold a constant image location. Because this is commonly required in zoom systems, this command is often called a zoom solve. A rifle scope is an inverting telescope designed to be mounted on a rifle and used as a telescopic...