Posts about: OSLO (11)
Running OSLO remotely
Question Can I run OSLO from other programs or the DOS command line? Is there a good way for OSLO to exchange data with other MS Windows programs such as Matlab, TracePro, MS Word, MS Excel, ...etc.?
Multilayer information the designer needs to enter into OSLO
Question I am trying to design multilayer structure LEDs and photodetectors which consist of various epitaxial films. Can I design an optical multilayer structure with OSLO Premium? How about the refractive indices of different materials? Do we have to find them or does your program have its own...
Labels for graphs in Ray Intercept Curve report graphics
Question When I plot the Ray Intercept Curve (RIC) Report Graphic, I notice that the axes of many of the individual graphs do not have labels on them. What are the labels on the plotted Axes? Synopsis Labels for graphs in Ray Intercept Curve report graphics Solution The Ray Intercept Curve Report...
09. OSLO Text Editors
Computing the coupling efficiency of a complex waveguide
Question I want to perform the overlap integral of the OSLO coupling efficiency calculation on a more complex mode structure than a fibre, so I would like to output the amplitude and phase of the point spread function to a file. The PSF is calculated using an FFT, so basically I would like to...
Problems using C syntax in CCL
Question Why doesn't my C function work in CCL? Synopsis Problems using C syntax in CCL Solution CCL is a subset of C. If your function uses pointers, structs, unions, casts, or is case-sensitive, it won't work.
17. OSLO Tip: Invert graphics background
05. OSLO GaussBeam Example 2
GaussBeam Example 2
Including the effective focal length in the error function
Question Please tell me how to include the effective focal length (EFL) in the error function as referred in OSLO 5.4 Optics Reference Chapter 7, Page 266 (A design project)? Synopsis Including the effective focal length in the error function Solution In rev 5.4, the focal length is not explicitly...