Implementing Network Licensing
Question How does Network Licensing get implemented?
Question How does Network Licensing get implemented?
Question I seem to have encountered a graphics glitch using v 6.04. I have been bending a plane power singlet to introduce SA and CMA. When I draw the lens the rays are refracted at the front surface but appear to project back at the second surface. To check this, enter any radius of surface 1, and...
Question How can I control the size and location of the Exit Pupil in my optical system during optimization? Synopsis Specifying size and location of exit pupil during optimization Symptoms The Exit Pupil is the paraxial image of the Aperture Stop in image space. The optics between the Aperture...
Question As instructed, when I want to alter a public CCL file, I first make a copy of the file and place it in the private CCL directory. But now when I compile the CCL's in the private directory, I encounter a bunch of errors. I thought this was the recommended approach. What is the problem?
What are OSLO's features? OSLO is a large program, with thousands of internal commands and functions. Moreover, the executable module of OSLO is routinely modified and recompiled by users. As a result, it is not possible to give a complete list of specifications for what the program can do. The...
Question When I click on any cell in the spreadsheet, the whole cell gets highlighted. If I want to change only a part of the value in the cell, I have to click in the command line. Is there a way to get around this? In Excel, I can double-click my mouse or Press [F2] key to accomplish this. ...