Whenever I trace a chief ray, it appears as though the radius of my reference sphere is calculated to be infinite even though I have set the position of the reference sphere to follow the location of the exit pupil. What is wrong?
Reference sphere radius always calculated to be infinity
One possible answer to this problem is that your system has been defined with a field angle that is smaller than 1 microradian. With a field angle this small, a miscalculation is performed in OSLO which always calculates the reference sphere radius to be infinity (when the reference sphere position is set to the exit pupil).
"To rectify this problem, explicitly enter the number zero in the "field angle" cell of the setup spreadsheet. OSLO interprets this zero as 1 micro-radian (5.7e-5 degrees). With this change, the reference sphere radius will now be calculated properly an subsequent analyses."
This incorrect behaviour has been added to the bug list for OSLO and will be addressed in a future release.