Property Generators and Utilities
2D and 3D Optimizers - TracePro's optimizer utilities allow interactive sketching to quickly enter 2D and 3D profiles and then extrude, revolve, and combine these profiles to create sophisticated geometry, like lightpipes and biconic reflectors, as well as free-form optics. Visualization options include solid rendering, silhouette, wireframe, hidden line views, and the ability to pan, rotate, and zoom, as well as other standard geometry manipulation techniques. A merit function can be created, with interactively-defined geometric parameters as variables, and targets based on Irradiance/Illuminance maps, candela plots, efficiency, and/or color. The optimizers will optimize the design, while allowing interactive control of the optimization process.

TIR LED system as modeled in TracePro using the 2D interactive optimizer
Bitmap Source Utility - reads an image (e.g. jpeg) and creates a Ray File with rays emitted by the image that can be inserted into a TracePro model.
Solar Utility - analyzes solar collector systems using dialogs to specify geographical location, period of sun travel with uniaxial tracking, and user defined irradiance for both direct and indirect sun contribution. Analysis output includes irradiance and candela maps, with total flux and efficiency over time on the target.
Solar emulator with Analysis tab shown and a full analysis showing the performance of the system over time
Surface Source Property Utility - enables the TracePro surface source property to be set up quickly and accurately. The utility allows you to digitize angular and spectral information directly from a manufacturer's datasheet. While useful for LEDs, this tool can also be used to generate a surface source property for any type of light source.
Surface Source Property Generator shown for two sources. Top figure shows a standard white emitting LED. Bottom figure shows a white emitting batwing angular emission LED
Fluorescence Property Utility for White LED Design - optimizes down-converting of phosphor formulations and excitation LEDs selection in white LED design. The utility also facilitates the creation of the fluorescence material property in the TracePro model. It allows you to digitize the excitation, absorption, and emission spectra of the material and the relative spectral power distribution of the excitation LED from the manufacturer's datasheet. While useful for white LED design, this utility can also be used to generate a fluorescence property for any type of energy-converting material.
IES/LDT Analysis Utility - imports photometric data in ANSI/IESNA standard electronic file formats and directly from TracePro's candela plot and creates TracePro Surface Source and File Source Properties. The utility has a large reporting capability to create customized reports and or use premade reports to output roadway, interior, and exterior data for automotive and street lighting users. The IES Import Utility adheres to the most recently published standards from the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA).
The IES/LDT analysis utility standard street lamp report containing polar candela output and lamp classification
RepTile™ Texture Optimization Utility - defines and creates repetitive microstructures on any planar surface. The utility is commonly used to optimize structured Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) backlight components, including Brightness Enhancement Films (BEFs), Turning Films, Edge-Lit TVs, and extraction features in light guides. With a TracePro model of a backlight, the RepTile utility generates and optimizes a distribution of scattering dots to achieve a target irradiance or illuminance distribution. While useful for optimizing structured backlight components, this tool can also be used to optimize Digital Micromirror Display (DMD) chips commonly used in DLP projection displays as well as aspheric lens arrays.
BSDF Conversion Utility - provides an easy way to transform measured BSDF (light scattering) data into a TracePro Surface Property file. Once the measurement data is imported, the utility will automatically compute the best-fit A, B, and g value to create a mathematical model of the BSDF for each incident direction. The utility also allows manual adjustments of the A, B, and g values with real-time updating of the graphical display of the BSDF. Users can also select the export type of the surface property file, either ABg model or Asymmetric Table BSDF.