When I attempt to add a Coordinates Pickup or Coordinate Return on a surface, OSLO either crashes, hangs or does bizarre things. I am using OSLO 6.4.4. What is wrong?
OSLO crashes or becomes unstable when changing Coordinates data
This is a known problem in OSLO 6.4.4 and we are addressing it with a very high priority. Please note that this is only a problem in 6.4.4. All earlier versions of OSLO work just fine in this regard. Also, note that the problem is with the user interface of the Coordinates dialog. The command line, CCL, and SCP interfaces for these same features work just fine.
To institute a Coordinate Pickup on a surface, just issue the Coordinates Pickup command on the command line with a question mark, and follow the on-screen prompts (above the command line):
To delete a previously issued Coordinates Pickup command, just manually apply any tilt or decenter coordinate data on the surface of interest. A suggested approach would be to use one of the following commands on the command line and follow the on-screen prompts:
tla? tlb? tlc? dcx? dcy? dcz?
To institute a Coordinate Return on a surface, just issue the Coordinates Return command on the command line with a question mark, and follow the on-screen prompts (above the command line):
To delete a previously issued Coordinates Return command, just issue the Coordinates Delete command on the command line with a question mark:
Unfortunately, until we can fix the problem and introduce 6.4.5, there is no way to fully correct these issues other than uninstalling 6.4.4 and installing 6.4.x (6.4.3 or earlier). This is a very high priority item and we are working to release 6.4.5 shortly which will fix this.