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DN Meaning: Understanding the Definition of DN


What is the definition of DN? I notice that if I load N-BK7 from the Schott catalog, convert it into a model glass, and mark the dispersion (DN) of the glass as a variable, the initial DN is calculated as DN = 0.246045 while the VNBR = 64.16641. How do you calculate one from the other?


Definition of DN, the material dispersion variable that is used in the optimization



Before reading this Knowledge Base item, it is recommended that you first read the Knowledge Base item titled Clarifying use of the terms "dispersion" and "V-number.

Most optical engineers are used to seeing a glass map where the refractive index (nd) is graphed versus V-number (Vd) [See hotlink above for these definitions]. This graph results in the commonly available glasses lying along a curved " glass line". During optimization, it would be difficult to limit glasses to this curved glass line. The area containing available glasses is a very ill-defined spaced when you are limited by the variables "nd" and " Vd". To view an example of this glass map, choose the OSLO menu item: "Lens>>Glass Catalogs>>Browse Glass Database>>Schott" and click on any glass name in the resulting database.

OSLO chooses a different approach to defining the variable space for glass optimization within OSLO. If you graph the Refractive Index of a glass (RN1) versus its Dispersion (RN2-RN3), the commonly available glasses that make up the "glass line" will fall along a straight line (see the graph below). Note also, that the area containing the available glasses fits in a roughly triangular shape. For a complete discussion on this topic, see the last 2 pages of Chapter 2 in the OSLO 6.x Optics Reference.

The variation of the optimization variables RN and DN are shown by double-sided arrows in the above graph.

RN is simply the refractive index of a material at wavelength #1 (RN1).

The variable DN varies the dispersion without changing the refractive index. DN is also normalized in such a way that a value of 0.0 corresponds to a point along a line connecting the glass SK16 to the glass FK5, and the value 1.0 corresponds to a point along a line connecting the glass SF11 to the glass FK5. Note that DN=1 is aligned along the glass line. Normalizing DN results in a rather complex equation:

Given: X & Y are glasses on the glass mapand Disp(X) = nF(X)-nC(X)and fm(X,Y) = (nd(Y)-nd(X))/(Disp(Y)-Disp(X))Then A = (fm(SK16,FK5)*fm(SF11,FK5))/(fm(SK16,FK5)-fm(SF11,FK5)) B = -1/fm(SK16,FK5)and DN(X) = [[(Disp(X)-Disp(FK5))/(nd(X)-nd(FK5))] + B] * A"