Assigning aspheric coefficients as variables for optimization
I want to vary the aspheric coefficients of a surface during optimization, but I can't seem to choose the aspheric coefficients when I try to assign variables for that surface. What is wrong?
Assigning aspheric coefficients as variables for optimization
"OSLO requires that a surface first be defined as an aspheric surface before the aspheric parameters of that surface can be chosen as variables during optimization.
To add a surface variable, choose " Optimize>>Variable" from the OSLO menu. Right click on an existing variable number, and choose " Insert Before" or " Insert After" to add a blank variable line. Double click in the Variable " Type" cell to view a pop-up list where the aspheric coefficients can be chosen as an option.
NOTE that simply defining a surface as an aspheric surface type will allow you to choose one or more aspheric coefficients as variables. To change the surface to an aspheric type without really changing the existing surface shape, follow the instructions to add a single aspheric coefficient, but for the aspheric coefficient value explicitly enter the value " 0.0"."