Lambda Research Corporation provides (2) two options for the University License of RayViz for teaching. Please note that University Licenses may be issued for a term of (1) one year to a (5) year contract with a short report to be completed and sent to Lambda at the end of each year. If the University wishes to renew their University License for another year(s) this renewal requires a new purchase order / contract to be submitted as well as the required short report and then a new license will be issued on the CodeMeter USB Key from the prior year only after the proper University Licensing paperwork has been completed. Lambda Research can now reprogram your issued CodeMeter USB Key which will eliminate the shipment of a CodeMeter USB Key back and forth between Lambda Research and the University.
Lambda Research uses a CodeMeter USB key based networking licensing scheme on your university network to control the licensing aspects of RayViz. The software for the RayViz Standard program will still need to be loaded onto the individual computers where it is used, but the license server will allow RayViz users to automatically “check-out” a RayViz license while they are using any computer on the university network. When users end their RayViz session, the RayViz network license is then “checked-in” for other users to access.
These are the two options for the University License (no discounts permitted):
Option 1:
• $500 USD annual fee
• Receive licenses for the TracePro Standard edition (1) one 10 user network license key
Option 2:
• $1000 USD annual fee
• Receive licenses for the TracePro Standard edition (1) one 25 user network license
For Both Options Policy on Key:
- A lost key requires documented proof on University letterhead from the instructor that the key has been lostand that should the key ever be found it must be returned to Lambda Research immediately. In addition, there is a $2000 USD fee (non-refundable) for each replacement key
- Damaged key requires the damaged key to be returned to Lambda Research at the University expense and there is a $250 USD fee for each key
- The key system features a tampering detection and disabling system. If a key is tampered with it will automatically deactivate itself and the TracePro license. Lambda Research will consider this a breach of the University license agreement and will be required to purchase a replacement key for $2000 USD.
RayViz is being provided to the University for teaching under the following conditions:
- University copies of RayViz are intended only for the use of students in a structured classroom course. Faculty may also use the program for developing courses, presentations or papers in conjunction with the course.
- One person will be designated as the technical point of contact. This person will make all calls and/or e-mails to Lambda Research’s Technical Support ( and will receive all updates.
- Lambda Research Corporation may list the University as a member of Lambda Research Corporation’s University Program.
- Shipping and administrative fees may apply in certain situations. Any applied fees will be discussed in advance of the execution of this document.
After Acceptance Into The University Program:
- A report of the RayViz classroom use will be sent to Lambda Research at the end of the academic contract on completion of the course for each year to Sales. The intent of this report is to offer suggestions, to report bugs, and to describe how the RayViz program was utilized during the course.
- Lambda Research’s donation of RayViz will be acknowledged in any publication or presentation that includes results from RayViz.
- RayViz University License(s) are granted to the University subject to the following restrictions and limitations. If violations of this license occur, the University must immediately return the license key and will be ineligible to participate in the University Program in the future.
- The license(s) are only for University Licensees, and are not transferable.
- Each network seat of the University license(s) confers a license enabling one copy of the software which may only be used on a single computer at a time. The software may be transferred for use on another computer, but the software may not be used simultaneously by more than the network key allows unless additional licenses are requested and approved by Lambda Research Corporation.
- The original University’s License(s) purchaser may make backup copies of the original software for his own use only, subject to the use limitations of this license agreement.
- The original purchaser may not engage in, or permit third parties to engage in, any of the following: (a) Providing the use of the software in a computer service business, network, or time-sharing use to users who are not individually licensed by Lambda Research Corporation. B) Allowing any entity to use the software for any commercial venture. This includes allowing outside entities or students to use Lambda Research Products to develop or aid commercial ventures. (c) Making alterations or copies of any kind in the software except as specifically permitted above. (d) Attempting to disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer the software in any way. (e) Attempting to defeat the hardware key or license manager software.