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Knowledge Base Articles for TracePro
Knowledge Base
When applying a Fluorescence Property in TracePro, the Apply Properties dialog requires input values for the following parameters:
I am entering aspheric terms in the Insert Lens Element dialog, how are the parameters defined in the sag equation?
Would you please explain the coherence between the saved total lumens and the number of ray traced.
I am using automatic importance sampling and for some surfaces, the Prescription is being set to -1. Why does this happen?
I am using automatic importance sampling and for some surfaces, the Prescription is being set to -1. Why does this happen?
Question on the import of 3D models from Pro-E and I-deas into TracePro. The TracePro manual has a small section that deals with the translation settings at a file export from a 3D CAD program.
Candela Plots - changes to reported values - Min, Max, Collected Flux, Total Flux, Total Rays, Efficiency
I generated a ray file using ProSource 5.2 and inserted a source into TracePro. I have a question regarding units: The ProSource file shows a peak intensity of 0.26 Candela
Suppose I have assigned a user-defined surface property to some of my surfaces. Then at a later date, I wish to modify that property with the property editor.
In Analysis/Irradiance Options/Map Data/Quantities to plot, there are a lot of map types to select. Could you provide some information about "CIE(xy)" and "CIE(u'v')" or their applications in optics?
When I attended the TracePro training course, there was mention of references that related surfaces cleanliness levels (specified by MIL-STD-1246C) to cleanroom classifications (specified by FED-209D)
Comparing Tilt values in OSLO vs TracePro after importing OSLO lens file
What options are available in TracePro for importing CAD files, and which option is best?
After running the raytrace for one model having one exit surface, I want to run a raytrace for another model where the light source is the output of the first model.
I have measured scatter data, and I want to use this data to create a Surface Property in TracePro. What options are available?
I would like to model a plastic object with a rough finish that diffuses light. How can I create the properties for this in TracePro?
Can you supply an explanation of the format the data from a rectangular iso-candela plot is saved in when saved as a text file?
I have created a large elliptical reflector with focal length 1 = 100,000 mm, focal length 2 = 10,000 mm, and z position = 55,000 mm. The reflector has approximately 200 surfaces.
How can I determine the angle of an incidence for a ray relative to the surface that it intersects?
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that each time I apply an update for TracePro, the materials I have custom defined disappear and I have to re-define them again.
I imported a CAD file. Now I am trying to apply a Material Property to one of the objects, but I get the following error message: Material property cannot be applied to a thin sheet body!
What version of SolidWorks is compatible with TracePro and TracePro Bridge?
Error: Could not load SiAppDll dll files
How can I export Irradiance Data to CAD programs?
If a source which has a specific spectral profile is used for raytracing, how is the power, in FC or in lumen whichever, in each wavelength calculated?
I understand that you have attempted to use NetMeeting with TracePro, but only the frame of the TracePro Window appears without any detail in the model window.
I have set up a Grid Raytrace with a rectangular grid boundary, with half-height x and y set = 10. I also selected a Rectangular Grid Pattern with 10 x-points and 10 y-points.
How many rays should I trace?
IES File format
Is it possible that TracePro can import a BMP file (i.e. a color picture ) as a light source? and what should I do?
I wonder, is it possible to load (import) the ray data again? This would be very important for me because I want to manipulate the rays with DOE's (diffractive optical elements).
When installing TracePro or OSLO, I get an error message that the Sentinel Drivers failed to install. How do I resolve this?
How do I enable Windows Installer Logging?
How can I resolve the License Failure resulting from the System Time message?
How can I resolve the License Failure resulting from the Codemeter service shutting down?
I am new to TracePro, and I like the program, but occasionally during a long raytrace, the program crashes. Any suggestions?
We need to simulate a plastic material (PMMA, PC). What materials in the TracePro Properties database should we use in order to have an accurate simulation?
Modeling sources in TracePro to obtain valid near-field analysis results
I have purchased a TracePro Network License, and I would like to allow a TracePro user at a remote location (not on the company Local Area Network) to access the license. How can I set this up?
I have tried to combine two files using either File/Merge or Insert/Part, but the new objects are not brought in at the correct locations. What can be done to resolve this?
When viewing an Irradiance Map or a Candela Plot, I find that changing the settings for Number of Pixels, Plot Points, or Smoothing causes the results to vary significantly.
Opening a STEP file, the object is not visible unless it is selected, and after a while, I determined that the object appears white against the white TracePro background, so I changed the color.
I have created an Elliptical Reflector in TracePro, and the ray trace results look good. Now, I need a Sag Table to send out to have the Reflector manufactured. How do I get this data?
I would like some data for Optical Black surfaces. Can you point me to any references?
I'm looking for any information regarding the best PC configuration for running TracePro. I'm looking to invest in new hardware, and I'd like to buy the optimal configuration.
I imported a CAD file into TracePro, but the local origin defined in the CAD Program is lost. Now I want to scale and rotate objects relative to each other, but it doesn't work right.
I have performed a Grid Raytrace in my model, and TracePro is reporting multiple "overlapping object" error messages.
Raytrace Report - Virtual Memory values do not agree with Windows Task Manager
Why does the raytrace progress dialog show that some rays trace faster than others?
I am debugging my model and ran into some questions about the orientation of polarization. Please explain the relationship between the Stokes Vector and the Global Coordinate System of the model.
I have applied a RepTile "bump-type" Property to a surface in my TracePro model. Why are the bumps still below the surface of the object?
I have a problem running a loop in the macro below:
I'm not sure what the reverse ray trace is about. Would that benefit us at all in the way we are using your software?
How do I rotate a block in Scheme?
How do I save the illuminance map as a text file? I have been looking at the menu and cannot find the right selection. How does the 'save raydata' option work? where does it save the raydata?
"I imported a single object into TracePro from a STEP file. Next, I tried to scale it leaving the ""Scale position"" box unchecked, but the position appears to have scaled anyway. Why?"
I want to make a surface which has some scattered transmittance. So I made a Fresnel type surface with varing BTDF ratio.
When running long scheme macros, I get the error message "out of heap space" or "free store overflow" in the Message/Macro window, and the macro fails to run to completion." How can I resolve this?
The TracePro behavior when selecting objects and surfaces seems different in this latest release. Please explain.
I have an optical system for which the file is generated in a mechanical CAD program. I imported the system into TracePro from a Step file. The result was that the whole system became a single object.
What is the best approach for setting the Flux Threshold?
How can I share properties that I have created in TracePro with other TracePro Users in my company?
As an inexperienced optical designer, I have little idea what degree of smoothing (i.e. what range of waist radii) is generally appropriate to provide the most realistic answers.
Surface and Material Properties - guidelines for when to use one or both
I am looking to apply a Surface Property in my model, but none of the properties that are supplied with TracePro seems to be a good match to the actual surface. What other resources are available?
I edited a Texture file in Excel, saved it as a text file, then tried to use it in TracePro, but I get an error message that TracePro fails to read the Texture File. How can I resolve this?
TracePro 7.0.5 and OSLO 6.5.4 Installation of Sentinel Drivers to minimize the impact of conflict with LabView software from National Instruments
When I launch TracePro, the program crashes (I observe a Runtime Error message). How do I get TracePro running again?
The instant I open a volume flux file TracePro crashes. The identical file and procedure work on another machine. I have tried ..... to no avail. I really need a fix for this! What can you suggest?
I am observing display issues in TracePro on my laptop. How can I fix this?
TracePro is not responding
When I launch TracePro, I see a license error - Key Serial No. XXX does not support Release 7.5.0/7.5.1. How can this be resolved?
I would like to make use of the macro language in TracePro, how do I get started?
Are you moving away from FLEXlm licensing? Why? Who's licensing technology is associated with the new USB hardware key?
When I attempt to download the TracePro Installer, I see the message "TracePro...Installer.exe is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer". Is it OK to download?
When I perform a ray trace, the message/macro window displays the following Warning: Possibly defective Object 1 is being added to the ray trace. ACIS Error: Transform translation is too large
I am unable to change the color of an object I imported into TracePro from a CAD file. How can this be resolved?
Understanding Candela Plot Orientation (this KB article contributed by a TracePro customer)
I have succeeded in getting Microsoft's Remote Desktop working on my pc so that I can access my work computer remotely. But I am having trouble using software from Lambda Research with this system.
I am running LASCAD, and would like to import TracePro Volume Flux data. Will it work?
I have found that the value of Max Candelas reported at the bottom of the Polar Iso-Candela Plot and the Rectangular CandelaDistribution are different.
"Which tools within TracePro are you aware of for the detection of vignetting? What is your strategy? One (clumsy) way which comes to my mind would be the following:
Question Why do I see "Warning Message - out of valid wavelength range (400 to 700)", and how can I resolve the problem?
I recently downloaded a TracePro Ray File from an LED manufacturer, and when I insert the File Source into the TracePro model, the wavelengths are incorrect. How can this be corrected?
I want to save the work of TracePro into the IGES/STEP format, but it tells me no such feature exists, and another message tells me that IGES/STEP Translator is required for data translation
We've become aware of an Error Message that occurs when trying to open a STEP (.stp) or IGES (.igs) file when running TracePro on a PC that's also running a Chinese or Japanese version of the WOS.
Synopsis: TracePro Properties Database - DB SQL Errors - while applying or creating a property
See more
TracePro Reference Literature
TracePro Reference Literature
TracePro Tutorials
2. Features
1. Introductory
3. Applications
TracePro Videos
Introduction to TracePro
Getting Started with TracePro
Start to Finish Optical Design using OSLO, RayViz, and TracePro
Elliptical Reflector Example
Making Geometry and using Boolean Operators
Making Grid, Surface, and File Sources
Design Analysis Tools
Demonstration of the 3D Irradiance and True Color Capability in TracePro 7.1. How to show irradiance and true color on all surfaces and objects in your system view with TracePro.
Introduction to radiometry and photometry with TracePro. Overview of radiometric and photometric measurement systems and units and how they relate to TracePro illumination analysis.
Making Custom Properties in TracePro
How to use the surface source property generator utility to make an asymmetric LED surface source property with TracePro.
15. Scattering and the Surface Property
16. Surface Property Generator
17. RepTile Property and the Texture Optimizer II
18. Modeling Light Sources
19. Accurate LED Source Modeling
20. Ray and Path Sorting
21. IES/LDT Plots Utility
22. Luminance, Radiance, and Photorealistic Rendering
23. Modeling, Analyzing, and Optimizing Solar Collection Systems
24. Optimizing the Optimization Process
25. Reducing Noise, Memory Usage, and Raytrace Times
26. Improving Productivity and Efficiency in TracePro
27. LED Luminaire Analysis
28. LED Luminaire Design and Optimization
29. LED Lighting Design
2D Interactive Optimizer to Design Optical Reflectors - Introduction (2012)
30. Efficient Luminaire Design
31. Designing LED PAR Lamps
32. Designing and Optimizing Reflectors
33. Efficient Light Pipe Design
34. Designing and Optimizing Light Guides
35. LED Lens Design
36. Ghost and Stray Light Analysis
37. Pulse Oximeter Design and Analysis
38. Monte Carlo Tolerancing
39. OSLO, RayViz, and Tracepro
Making an LED Surface Source Property
TracePro Photorealistic Rendering - Introduction
TracePro Solar Utility - Introduction
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TracePro Examples
Image File for Bitmap Source
Importing BSDF Measurements
Temperature Distributions
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TracePro White Papers
Breaking TIR, is it against the law?
Freeform Optics for Illumination
Modeling Large Surface Features using BSDF
Optical Modeling of UV Sterilization Systems
The Importance of Accurately Modeling Scatter in Luminaire Design
Tolerancing in Illumination Optics
Improving the Efficiency of Monte Carlo Raytracing using Importance Sampling
See more
TracePro Tools
Moxtek Surface Property DLLs
Operational Tools
Supporting files for Creating User Defined Properties (DLLs)
TracePro Libraries
Files of off-the-shelf lenses, lamps, and bulbs from well-known manufacturers