Lambda Research University Program
We are pleased that you are considering using one of our products as a teaching tool in your classroom environment. We have created an educational program for TracePro and OSLO with the goal of promoting optics education. We have named our program the University Program because we have found that our software appeals primarily to educators at the university level. However, anyone teaching an advanced science class is welcomed to apply.
Please note that our University Program does not extend to research within a university. In a research environment, you would qualify for our standard 25% university discount. Our philosophy is that many university research projects provide deliverable items (even if that deliverable item is a research report) to customers in exchange for “grant monies”. While we have no qualms about this activity, we have no desire to offer University licensing of OSLO, RayViz, and/or TracePro in this type of environment. We believe that offering low-cost versions of OSLO, and/or TracePro only to classroom environments helps us to avoid what we believe to be inappropriate research or commercial use of our software. Lambda Research invites university professors and their enrolled students to apply for free, temporary licenses of our software for coursework. Upon approval, students and teachers will receive instructions to download and install their education licenses. Limited regions are available.
To qualify for our University Programs, you will be asked to:
- Provide a copy of your course syllabus or course description for the courses where the software will be used. This could be a printed brochure or official description printed on university or department letterhead. Electronic files will also be accepted, as will HTML pages from the university website.
- Return filled out and signed TracePro or OSLO University Licensing and Policy Statement. The policy portion of this statement identifies the responsible party that will be using the software in the classroom and outlines our program guidelines. The licensing portion gives us an indication of how many licenses you need for the duration of the course. We offer only network hardware keys under this program.
- At the end of the course, submit a short report indicating how the software was used, suggestions for future updates and reports of bugs that were encountered. Reports typically range in length from a few paragraphs to several pages. Longer submissions are helpful to us to refine the University Program in the future. Final reports must be filed before the software can be renewed for any subsequent courses in the university.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss your educational situation in more detail, please contact us.
OSLO EDU is a free Windows program with a reduced number of features compared to the Premium edition. It also restricts you to working with systems that have up to 10 surfaces. Although OSLO EDU does not include all the capabilities of OSLO, it does give you optical design power that exceeds many commercial programs. OSLO EDU gives you the basic ability to lay out, edit, optimize, analyze, tolerance, and save a wide range of optical systems. OSLO EDU is perfectly tailored for educational use.
Documentation for the commands in OSLO is provided primarily through its online help system. The OSLO User Guide provides a step-by-step introduction for the novice OSLO user or for those new to optical design. You can also download the OSLO Optics Reference, which is a combination of an introductory guide to the OSLO program as well as a general reference for optical analysis in optical design and engineering. While particularly useful in learning OSLO, anyone interested in optical design will find the OSLO Optics Reference full of valuable information.
OSLO User Guide (4.0 MBytes) OSLO Optics Reference (4.4 MBytes)