
TracePro 7.0.5 and OSLO 6.5.4 Installation of Sentinel Drivers to minimize impact of conflict with LabView software from National Instruments

Written by Admin | Aug 30, 2021 4:00:00 AM


TracePro 7.0.5 and OSLO 6.5.4 Installation of Sentinel Drivers to minimize the impact of conflict with LabView software from National Instruments


TracePro 7.0.5 and OSLO 6.5.4 Installation of Sentinel Drivers to minimize the impact of conflict with LabView software from National Instruments


TracePro and OSLO use the Sentinel Drivers from SafeNet to communicate with the hardware key. In past releases of TracePro and OSLO, the "complete" Sentinel Installation was incorporated into the TracePro and OSLO installation. The driver installation attempted to make changes to the settings for Ports 6001/6002/7001/7002 which are used for communication with the Sentinel Hardware Key.

These ports are also used by LabVIEW, a software program available from National Instruments. When the TracePro or OSLO installation reached the point where it attempted to install the "complete" Sentinel Drivers, the installation would fail such that TracePro or OSLO was not installed at all.


The "complete" Sentinel Driver installation actually installs multiple components of the drivers. Some components are needed for the hardware key to function as a single-computer key, and others are needed to support the network license functionality. The conflict with LabView occurs with one of the network license components.

In the past, when the TracePro and OSLO installation included the complete Sentinel Driver installation, LabView users were inconvenienced every time they installed an update to TracePro or OSLO.

However, most TracePro and OSLO users are not using their PC's as a Network License Server.

To minimize the impact of this conflict on LabView users, the current TracePro and OSLO installation only includes the Sentinel Driver components required for single-computer licensing.

We request that individuals maintaining Network License Servers download and install the complete Sentinel Protection Installer from the links provided on the TracePro Releases and OSLO Releases webpages.

In the rare occasion that a PC acting as the Network License Server is also running LabView, a workaround to the Sentinel Installation problem is described in the TroubleShooting section of the TracePro and OSLO installation Guides.