
Setting the Flux Threshold

Written by Admin | Aug 30, 2021 4:00:00 AM


What is the best approach for setting the Flux Threshold?


Setting the Flux Threshold


A Flux Threshold is a practical necessity in TracePro. With no threshold, all rays would trace until the resources of the computer were consumed.

The Flux Threshold in TracePro is a fractional value of the starting flux of each ray.

The Flux Report can be used to monitor the cumulative effect of the Flux Threshold.The sum of the values in the "Lost->Flux Threshold" column represents the numerator for calculating the ideal solution. The totals for the Absorbed and Lost columns are displayed at the bottom of the Flux Report.

For models with multiple sources, the number of rays traced from each source impacts the effectiveness of the Flux Threshold setting. The goal is to set the number of rays such that all rays in the model have the same starting flux. If the model has a 100W light bulb, and a 1W LED, tracing 100x the number of rays from the light bulb will give all rays the same starting flux. The result is that the Flux Threshold will be terminating rays from each source as they get to the same fractional (and absolute) flux value.