
Running OSLO from a Batch File

Written by Admin | Aug 30, 2021 4:00:00 AM


I'm interested in running OSLO (ccl files) using a batch file. How can I do this?


Running OSLO from a Batch File


"Note that OSLO looks for and runs a CCL command named Autostart upon startup. This will allow you to run OSLO in a ""remote"" mode, but all the commands that you want to perform (or at least all of the top level commands that you want to perform) need to be in the Autostart command and pre-compiled.

Since data files do not have to be compiled, they could be changed without re-compilation of a CCL command (either the Autostart command or any sub-commands that Autostart calls). The main OSLO window will open and be visible during remote operation (it cannot be suppressed). For more information on the Autostart command, read the asyst_ccl.ccl command in the OSLOPrm61publicccl directory.


Be careful if your commands in the Autostart CCL end by closing OSLO. This will create an infinite loop and you will not be able to open OSLO independently to change the Autostart CCL and recompile it. You may want to include the OSLO Escape function in your Autostart CCL code. "