
Does the TracePro Properties Database get overwritten when installing a software update?

Written by Admin | Aug 30, 2021 4:00:00 AM


I'm not 100% sure, but I think that each time I apply an update for TracePro, the materials I have custom defined disappear and I have to re-define them again. Is it possible that the upgrade overwrites the TracePro materials database, and if it's so, how should I store my materials so that they don't get erased each time?


Does the TracePro Properties Database get overwritten when installing a software update?


The installation of a TracePro upgrade should not overwrite the TracePro Properties Database. Here's how it works:
  • Properties are stored in a file that is initially installed with the name "TracePro.db"
  • TracePro.db is located at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Lambda Research Corporation\TracePro
  • subsequent upgrades and installations into the same TracePro directory should not overwrite the TracePro.db file
A few other points about "managing" the TracePro Properties Database:
  • You can rename the TracePro.db file
  • You can move or copy the .db file to another location
  • Under View/Options, the user can select the path to the .db to be used in a TracePro session
  • When you quit TracePro, the last location of the .db file is saved in a file named "TracePro.ini", so the next time TracePro is launched, it will again be using the .db file from the last session
Possible explanations for what you believe to be the Properties Database being overwritten:
  • When installing an upgrade, if there is no file with the exact name TracePro.db in the default location (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Lambda Research Corporation\TracePro), then a new TracePro.db will be created
  • This new .db file will not be used unless the path to the Properties database is changed under View/Options, or something happens to TracePro.ini causing the "memory" of that path to be lost
The properties that you have created in the past may not be completely lost. Search for all files with ".db" in their name. If there is more than one, then use View/Options to make each one active for the TracePro session, and see if any of the "lost" properties are in one of the other databases. If so, with the property visible in the Property Editor, select File/Export Property to save the property as a text file. You can export all the unique properties, then import them into one "master" .db file. There are two approaches to try to avoid the loss of properties: "Hands-off" approach
  • Make sure there is only one file with the exact name ""TracePro.db"" located at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Lambda Research Corporation\TracePro, no other .db files anywhere else, and View>Options points to this file.
  • (optional) When you create a new property in TracePro, select File/Export to save it as a text file. In the event that something happens to TracePro.db, the property could be imported into a new TracePro.db
"Hands-on" approach
  • Rename your .db file (e.g. - TracePro_Username.db) so there is no chance of it ever being confused with a freshly installed TracePro.db
  • Under View>Options, browse to TracePro_Username.db
  • (optional) Occasionally, copy a backup of TracePro_Username.db
  • (optional) When you create a new property in TracePro, select File->Export to save it as a text file. In the event that something happens to TracePro.db, the property could be imported into a new TracePro.db
The possible causes and resolution of this problem are numerous. This entry provides some general information on database management.