
Creating a private lens library using OSLO's database function

Written by Admin | Aug 30, 2021 4:00:00 AM


I have read through the online help page introducing how to create a private lens database, but I am still lost. How do I specify which folders or directories I want to be included in my private lens database?


Creating a private lens library using OSLO's database function


"Unfortunately, the OSLO database window does not work very well as an editor. In the future, we will be working to make the OSLO database structure more flexible in this regard. To add or edit the paths you want, you will need to open the "Lib_private_folders.cdb" file directly (using any text editor such as Notepad, the internal OSLO editor, or UltraEdit). The "Lib_private_folders.cdb" file is found in the ""...privatecdb"" directory.

Note that when you open this file, the contents will look as follows:

dbcb_showlens_public~~~~~~~~~~~Folders to include in the Private Lens Library
Folders path

As an example, we will add two additional folders to this list. We will change the file to look as follows:

dbcb_showlens_public~~~~~~~~~~~Folders to include in the Private Lens Library
Folders path
""G:/lens/High Def/""

Some Notes:

  1. The text "cdb1" has been changed to ""cdb3"" in the first line to accommodate the 2 additional entries.
  2. The second path name we added has been placed in quotes. This is required because the path name contains spaces.
  • Save the changes to the file and close it.
  • Choose "File>>Lens Database>>Make Private Database" from the OSLO menu.
  • Now you can browse all the lenses in these folders by choosing "File>>Lens Database>>Private..." from the OSLO menu."