
CAD options for import into TracePro

Written by Admin | Aug 30, 2021 4:00:00 AM


I have a question on the import of 3D models from Pro-E and I-deas into TracePro. The TracePro manual has a small section that deals with the translation settings at a file export from a 3D CAD program, but we still find that similar models, imported in similar fashions can be very different in auditing and simulation speed as well as instability. Is there a more elaborate set of rules we could use when exporting models from our CAD programs?


CAD options for import into TracePro


When exporting CAD files prior to importing them into TracePro, CAD models should be as tightly toleranced as possible, and any choice between saving as "surfaces" vs "solids" should be selected as "solids". Also, (especially for I-DEAS) set the surface export type to Analytic. If this is not set in I-DEAS, all surfaces will be exported as NURBS surfaces, even if they are really simple surfaces like planes or spheres. In terms of documentation, I suggest referring to the documentation for the CAD Program to determine what options are available and how to implement them."