
Did You Know? Photorealistic Rendering

Written by Sales Team | May 24, 2024 1:15:00 PM

Did you know TracePro features a photorealistic rendering tool? Photorealistic Rendering, also known as lit appearance modeling, allows users to see what a light guide, display, or luminaire will look like when it is illuminated. This illumination can be from internal and/or external light sources. Users can define viewing orientation, quality level, and if external luminance sources will be used. External luminance can be used to see if a display can overcome ambient luminance. There is also an option to show Luminance Maps, so quantitative data is also available. Photorealistic Rendering is available in all editions of TracePro. In the TracePro Standard and Expert editions, Photorealistic Rendering can be combined with Scheme macro programs to easily illustrate multiple viewing angles and/or motion.


Figure 1: Light Guide Photorealistic Rendering


Figure 2: Filament Lamp Luminance Plot


Figure 3: Using Scheme macro and Photorealistic Rendering





See it in Action!