Did you know the Flux Threshold and Intercept Limits in TracePro give users the ability to control how long TracePro keeps track of rays and when those rays are terminated. The Intercept Limits in TracePro include total intercepts, total scatters, random scatters, and optical scatters. When rays fall below the Flux Threshold or exceed a limit, they are terminated. For example, if the Flux Threshold is set to 0.05, the ray will be terminated when its flux falls below 5% of its initial value.
Users can determine if rays are being terminated because of the Flux Threshold or any of the intercept limits by checking the Flux Report in the Reports menu in TracePro.
If the user needs to change the settings for the Flux Threshold and/or the intercept limits, for example, to lower the Flux Threshold for stray light analysis, this can be done at Raytrace->Raytrace Options->Thresholds.
When you need complete control of the rays in your raytrace, the Flux Threshold and Intercept Limits in TracePro give you that control.